Friday, June 22, 2012


menonton super spontan while typing this entry,
first time watch this segment, not bad :P
okay, this is my class schedule for next sem, semester 3 2011/2012
dah level 2 rupanya. rasa dewasa =)

rasa cuti semester sekejap sangat.
after exam terus ada mukhayyam khariji yang super osem.
dah type entry untuk share but not published yet. sooner or later inshaAllah :)

so cuti...? 
only 60% kot planner yang tertunai. useless me :)
and alhamdulillah. unexpected result. 
I target more, but Allah is the best planner.
moga hati-hati kita cekal ^_^'

beberapa jam lagi akan pulang ke UIA terchenta.
first time akan naik bas sendiri dari larkin sebab balik pada hari bekerja.

but this is my wishlist.
doakan ^_^'

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